Calibasil Beverly


Menu for every taste of food


Always fresh ingredients


Chefs are ready to treat you

Welcome to

Calibasil Beverly

Quiet, relaxing ambiance, delicate tastes are what you are looking for in a Vietnamese experience? Then come to our restaurant in Beverly, Massachusetts 01915, and enjoy the unique dining experience.

At our restaurant, we specialize in serving Vietnamese special dishes from eggs, pork, beef, chicken, and seafood. The most famous type of food in our restaurant is Pho. Pho is known as a Vietnamese specialty made from flavorful broth, soft (but not mushy) rice noodles, and tender meat. A slice of lemon, pepper & a side plate of fresh herbs will awaken your taste buds.

Furthermore, when coming here, customers can also enjoy rice vermicelli with grilled pork, grilled beef, egg rolls, grilled shrimp, and grilled chicken with the tasty and unique flavor of Vietnamese cuisine. The restaurant also serves noodles, bread, rice, steamed rice, and other dishes.

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Calibasil Beverly

Our Special Menu


Calibasil Beverly
